World Turtle Day 2022: Facts & Celebrations
Some Basic Information About Turtles:
- Turtles are a species of reptiles that are known as testudines.
- Turtles are well known by a shell on the outer bodies that they have developed from their ribs.
- They belong to Kingdom Animalia and are one of the oldest animals around.
- Turtles are the most fascinating creatures and have existed from the time of Dinosaurs, which is about 200 million years.
You can read some interesting fun facts about turtles to learn more about these fascinating creatures.
Why is World Turtle Day Celebrated?
Do you know that there are about 300 species of Turtles in the world? It is surprising to know that out of the 300 species, 129 species are endangered. It was very important for people to understand the danger Turtles are facing. This is why a non-profit organization called American Tortoise Rescue that was established in 1990 started a mission for the protection of the species of tortoise and turtles. Every year, on May 23d, World Turtle Day is celebrated to create awareness and encourage people to save their natural habitat. This year, the world will observe the 22nd International World Turtle Day.
Today, turtles would have been an extinct species if ATR had not created awareness about the danger it is facing. ATR made awareness that tortoises and turtles play a vital part within the biological system of the Earth. Due to their drastic decrease in numbers, turtles have become rare to spot within the wild, making the species endangered. If the turtles are not protected, they will soon be extinct from all parts of the world. The theme for this year's World Turtle day is "Shellebrate". The theme asks everyone to love and save turtles.
How is World Turtle Day Celebrated:
The American Tortoise Rescue has rescued and re-sheltered more than four thousand turtles and tortoises. The first world turtle stay was celebrated in 2000 and till now every year people celebrate all around the globe. People around the world celebrate World Turtle Day in various ways. For example, some people dress as turtles or wear green summer clothes. Some people rescue the Turtles caught on highways. World total day is also observed in schools where children are encouraged to learn about Turtles by different art and craft work.
What Can You Do To Protect Turtles:
Below are some tips advised by ATR (American Tortoise Rescue) that can be followed by every individual that will play a part in protecting the turtles and tortoises.
- Don't Buy:
Don't buy turtles from a pet shop. It increases its demand from the wild.
- Don't Pick:
Don't take a turtle from the wild unless it's sick or injured. They live better in their natural habitat.
- Save Turtles:
If you see a turtle or tortoise in the middle of a road, pick it up and drop it on the side as running cars can hit and kill them.
- Report:
If you see any sale or cruelty against turtles, you can report it to the concerned authority. It is illegal in Us to sell turtles that are less than four inches.
- Write Letters:
You can write letters to the legislators to prevent offshore drilling as it causes casualties in the endangered turtles.
Every Step counts. Play your part and save the turtles and their disappearing habitats and encourage others to help them survive and thrive. Let us all join our hands together and help.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What is World Turtle Day and when is it celebrated?
World Turtle Day is celebrated annually on May 23 to raise awareness about turtles, tortoises, and their habitats. This day was founded in 2000 by American Tortoise Rescue, a nonprofit organization.
2. Why is it important to celebrate World Turtle Day?
Celebrating World Turtle Day is important as turtles and tortoises are facing various threats such as habitat loss, poaching, and pollution. The day encourages people to learn more about these animals and take steps to protect them.
3. What are some interesting facts about turtles?
Turtles are fascinating creatures with a variety of interesting facts. For instance, they have existed for over 200 million years, and some turtles can live up to 150 years. Additionally, many species of turtles are endangered, with only a few individuals remaining.
4. How can I get involved in World Turtle Day celebrations?
There are many ways to get involved in World Turtle Day celebrations. You can participate in events held by organizations such as American Tortoise Rescue, visit a turtle sanctuary or conservation center, or simply learn more about turtles and share your knowledge with others.
5. What can I do to help protect turtles and their habitats?
To help protect turtles and their habitats, you can reduce your use of single-use plastics, support conservation efforts, and report any turtle sightings to local wildlife organizations. You can also participate in beach cleanups and avoid littering in oceans, rivers, and lakes.