List of Words That Start With G
Have you introduced words starting with the letter G to the kids? This is a perfect age where you can bring in the concept of g words for kids. Learning words has amazing benefits as it provides a platform for exchanging ideas with others. How will you express your thoughts until you use the appropriate words for communication? Similarly, we want kids to follow in the same footstep in adopting better language skills.
There is two lists of words that start with G: soft and hard g words. When the letter g is followed by the letters e, I or y, the former, such as gym, giant, gem, etc., sounds like /j/, and the latter, such as goat, game, gap, etc., sounds like /g/. Children need to learn words with the letter G through creative activities. Thus, parents and teachers need to encourage this. Introduce common g words to children first, so they can comprehend them and construct meaningful sentences. In addition, provide challenging words for children in their curricula. However, create efficient teaching methods for teaching words start with G to children, such as spelling exercises, to enhance their writing abilities.