Top Creative Activities for Kids
In these times when every child is at home and parents are struggling with how to keep them busy and incorporate fun and creative indoor activities to help them keep occupied is what they need the most. Whether it’s the school, tuition or any other course activity work from home is implemented. One cannot take kids out to public places due to closures and this life threatening virus. You just need to grab some crayons, color, paints and start off with some creative art activities and easy DIY’s. We introduce you to some creative activities for kids.
Doodle Art:
Doodle art is easy and one of a fun creative activities for toddlers. All you need to do is hand your kid a paper and pencil and let them draw out lines however they like. The next thing is coloring all the blank spaces with different colors. At the end you visualize a surprise and creative piece of art and you never know at the beginning what it is going to be.
Jewelry Beads:
Colorful beads for sure grab the attention of kids and the activity can turn out to be more fun if you ask them to make jewels out of it. You can carry out these activities in groups to encourage interaction and enhance motor and communication skills. Teach them how to sting beads to create various beautiful jewels. They can create rings, bracelets and different ornaments and store it in a jar or gift it to their friends.
Painting Rocks:
Coloring and painting is a fun thing to do, children love colors and creative acts. Why don’t you try to make them collect rocks and let them paint each one differently the way they want. Watch them play and be creative with colors. Once they are done let it dry and store them in a glass jar to place it in their room or any spot.
Shaving Crayon Art:
Having crayon sticks and melting them to create different designs is extremely satisfying and creative. It also enhances motor skills and helps kids become creative with unique ideas. The art of mixing different colors and creating something new out of it is also something unique.
Clay Dough Activities:
Make your own dough or use one available from the market. You can dye in different colors according to your choice to start off. You can have them create flowers, butterflies, pots or anything they want. Homemade dough is a little less messy than the other one but you can place a cloth underneath in that specific area and then dust it off after. They will be amazed to see different colorful things they create.
Arts and Crafts:
Specifying out creative activities for young children where they can learn new things while involving themselves in physical activities includes such arts and crafts activities. Engaging the creative part of the mind is crucial to developing abstract thinking. Drawing, coloring, cutting, and pasting are a few ways to get the creative juices flowing. If possible, throw in some mathematics or color lessons. For example, you could prompt the preschooler to cut out three orange triangles from construction paper and paste them to the green construction paper. This might sound rudimentary and simple but for a preschooler it can be a great challenge. And if needed adjust the complexity of the task according to the ability of your child. Giving your child creative freedom is perfect for the development of their minds and developing self-confidence. Perhaps give your child a prompt that involves illustrating a familiar scene from their favorite movies or a beloved memory. Use the opportunity to teach phonics whenever possible. If the child draws a character from a TV show, perhaps a yellow sponge, teach them that sponge stats with S. If they draw a ball at the beach, show them how beach and ball both start with the letter B. Arts and Crafts can be incorporated n almost most of the fun activities for preschoolers.
Painting with Feet:
You must have heard of hand painting but have you ever heard about painting using your feet. Sounds crazy, right? This creative activity for kids is equally fun and your little one will definitely enjoy it. Walking with painted feet over the butcher paper and looking at the end what comes out will keep them occupied for a while and you will find them enjoying themselves. Siblings together can try or a group of friends.

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