Top 7 Science Activities for Kids To Make Learning Fun
Science has its way of triggering interest in children who love to learn through experiments and experiences. Unless they do not see it happening in reality, it is not convincing enough for them to learn it. If you are a great parent and know that your child just might be into science, make sure you provide better ways for them to experience various science activities that will be a great lesson for them. Once you collect easy and safe but amazing and interesting science activities for your kids, make sure to be around them when they do it. Take part in their activities to show your interest as well. Other than the science activities and experiments, you can also let your children learn more about science through interactive apps on your iPad or iPhone. Teach them about technology and search engines so they can look up for anything that fiddles with their curiosity but be sure to keep an eye on what they are searching for so you can prevent them for pursuing dangerous activities and experiments. If search engines sound a bit risky, be sure to download the mobile apps that are created for kids about learning science.

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Here are the top 7 super cool science activities for your children to try.
1. Color Changing Carnation
This is one of the most fascinating science experiments. It takes some time but it is cool enough. All you need is some food coloring, water vases and a couple of white carnations. If your child ever wished for carnations to be dual-colored or completely green, there just might be a way to test it. Add different food coloring in several flower vases or jars and put in white carnations. Then slowly the flowers will change colors. To color the flower in two different shades, you can also cut the stem halfway to make that happen.
2. Create Electromagnets
Get your child some copper wire, nails, and batteries. To create super cool magnets, all that needs to be done is wrapping the copper wire around a nail and connecting the ends with a battery. What happens next will be incredible for your child. The amplified magnetic field gets charged each time another loop is wrapped around the nail. Your child can simply test stronger and weaker magnets through this experiment.
3. Crystal Rock Candy
All you need is water, sugar and some sticks to for the crystal rock candy to develop on. Simply try mixing sugar in water until it is completely saturated. Add food coloring just for fun if you want. This experiment is a little time consuming because the rock candy might take a week or so to completely grow. Once you have colored the water solution, put in some sticks in it and see the magic happen a week later.
4. Rain Clouds In A Jar
All you need is some pipettes, a jar, water, food coloring, and some shaving cream. In order to show your children how the rain falls, simply fill the jar with plain water halfway through. Prepare colored watered in small cups separately. Pour some shaving cream in the jar like a cloud. Ask your children to use the pipettes to color the rain cloud in their jar. Keep their focus on what is happening underneath the rain cloud. See what happens to teach the concept of rain.
5. Penny Bridge
This is fun and easy. Collect a lot of pennies and some construction paper along with two plastic cups. You can simply put a construction paper over the two plastic cups and place the pennies one by one to see how much the construction paper can hold until your penny bridge falls apart. Carry out this experiment on a weighing machine to keep track of the maximum weight.
6. Lava Lamps
What you need are the basics. Food coloring, water, glasses, vegetable oil,and aspirin tablets. All you have to do is pour vegetable oil and water in two glasses separately. Add some food coloring to the water glass. Later on, pour this colored water into the vegetable oil. Once this is done, add a tablet of aspirin in the oil glass and see the lava lamp magic.
7. Leakage-Free Plastic Bags
Surprise your kids with only some sharp pencils, water,and plastic bags. Yes, it is as easy and amazing as you think. Simply pour water into the plastic bag and allow your child to make the plastic bag leak. When your child pokes the pencil into the water plastic bag and out the other side, they will be shaken to the leakage-free plastic bags. Explain how the flexible chain of molecules wraps itself around the pencil since the bag is made of polymer and secures the water from leaking.
With these super fun experiments, not only can your child learn but also have fun at the same time. Be sure to make learning as fun and easy for your children as these science activities.