The Fox and The Grapes Story For Kids
Felix, the smart fox, formerly lived in a lush vineyard. He was renowned for both his ravenous hunger and his intellect and cunning. He stumbled upon a stunning cluster of grapes dangling from a tall tree one day while meandering around the vineyard.
Felix was increasingly angry as he struggled to get to the grapes and assumed they must be rotten. They're probably already sour, he thought to himself. I don't need them right now.
He couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness as he strode away. He realized that he had lost track of a magnificent supper because of his arrogance.
He chose to go back to the vineyard and give it another shot. This time, instead of giving up easily, he used his wit and cunning to devise a plan to reach the grapes. He found a stick and used it to shake the branch, causing the grapes to fall to the ground.
To his delight, the grapes were not sour but sweet and delicious. Felix enjoyed his meal and was satisfied but he also learned a valuable lesson. He realized that sometimes, the things we want the most may seem out of reach, but with determination and creativity, we can find a way to reach them.
Moral of the Story
The story’s moral is that it is important not to give up easily, and to be persistent in our pursuits. It also teaches that sometimes, our preconceptions can cloud our judgement, and we should not dismiss something just because it seems out of reach or difficult to acquire.

Story Book App for Kids
Story book app for children opens a fabulous world of imagination activity and education. It is made appropriate to the age of younger kids who can either read by themselves or understand.