Fun Activities For Teaching Toddler Colors
We all are well aware of the fact that everything in this world is about colors, from a very initial stage we start recognizing and getting attracted towards colors. If we talk about kids and teaching toddler colors, they start from a very early stage with analyzing and seeking for things and figure out stuff like cars, toys, flowers with different colors. For example if you show them a red ball, they would be geared towards it more than the white one. Why? Because toddlers and even adult children are attracted towards eye-catching colors and parents start teaching toddler colors from the initial stages of his life. In short, they categorize things according to colors.
Teaching and learning colors for toddlers is best done through playful experiences and gaming activities as colors are all about fun and nature. Parents make children observe and teach colors to toddlers and other children by defining it’s attributes from a very initial age like “Throw me the red ball” or “Would you like to wear the yellow dress or the pink one?”. We bring to use some amusing, fun, fascinating, engaging and learning color activities for your little one.

1) Playdough activity:
We all loved playdough as children and it’s of course fun to play with even as adults. This activity is called ‘playdough color surprise’ activity. Take a soft playdough and make it into the shape of balls (you can make it at home). Use your thumb to make a well in each ball, pour some paint in it (you can choose colors of your choice) and seal it’s top. Encourage children to press and squeeze each ball to surprise them with color popping out and identifying names of each. Tell them about each color and ask to squeeze the dough several times until the color is spread evenly. They will be delighted to see making each dough of different color.
2) Dip platter activity:
You will need a transparent plastic bowl with different compartments for this learning colors for toddlers actvity. Stick a small piece of color papers to the edge of each section (you can use the rainbow colors if this activity is for toddler or preschooler). Provide children with many different colored objects and ask them to sort them accordingly in the sections.
3) Color mixing activity:
Take some empty plastic bottles and fill all bottles up with water. Make some bottles yellow and some blue with the food coloring. It is a mixing activity and children will definitely enjoy it. Amaze them and make them curious by asking to observe and see what happens when we mix blue and yellow water prior to begin playing. They would be surprised to see green color made out of mixing the two. Did you know color activities for toddlers, like playing with water and squeezing it refines motor skills and this would also let them know that a mixture of blue and yellow is green.
4) ‘I spy’ game:
We all know children are fond of games so why not try learning and teaching toddler colors by inducing gaming activities. I Spy is a very popular game and the best part is that you can play it anywhere even though if the area is less and explore colors. It goes like:
Playing the game in two steps like this helps your toddler to make him learn that every color has a specific name. You can place objects of your own choice and colors and start with it, it’s up to you.
5) Race to the color activity:
Why not try with pasting color mats on the whiteboard and start with this interesting activity. Prepare a primary or rainbow colored bag for children. The activity starts with drawing out an item from the bag, show it to the children, and they have to run to the wall and paste it by slapping it to the corresponding color mat. Kids will adore this version of the activity and it will be fun to teach colors to toddlers, but if you’re worried about having lots of kids running at the same time and getting hurt, then you can also play this with one child at a time. Make sure that one child has his eye closed and show it to the rest of the class, after that allow him to open his eyes and run!
6) Painting the color wheel:
Take a large sheet of white paper and using it draw a circle and then make sections like a pie so you have portion for each color of the rainbow. Have the children paint each section and let it dry. Use plastic glue bottles for each section and ask the preschoolers to match the items they brought from home with the colors on the wheel by squirting glue and pasting.
7) B-I-N-G-O:
Bingo is enjoyed by all children and it will introduce to your child methods to make learning colors for toddlers fun and engaging. If you don’t have one, you can easily make it. You can of course print out a blank one from the internet, get something for them to use such as markers on the board and hand over a card to each student. Provide them markers, oil pastels or color pencils of the colors that you want in the game. Put up color cards for all of the colors you want to include in the game, and ask the students to color in their boxes using the colors on the board in whatever order they choose. Start with calling the colors. Children need to mark each color as it is called, and say “BINGO” when they have it. Then they will be saying names of each color while checking them with you.
8) Learning with ‘color flashcards’:
Learning colors is a very important activity for each child from the start of his learning process. You can use color flashcard to make it more educational. It focuses on colors along with word to strengthen pre-reading skills. There are a tones of various and unlimited kinds of flashcards organized towards teaching children about color. You can purchase or download them.
9) Color Hunt:
Pick a color of your choice and show it over to the kids. This activity is all about looking for and hunting stuff. Hide the objects of the similar color in that room, be it toys or any object and ask children to seek for them. They would of course want to be the one with the most number of items. This would also build up and refine their motor skills. Teaching toddler colors in this article is all about fun acts. We introduce you a number of activities to choose for your little one the best he enjoys and make learning colors for toddlers lively. The above collection of ideas induce with various materials, objects and ideas to lead to entertaining color activities for toddlers. Most of the activities are practical to be implied anywhere and include objects available at your home or classroom. Colors are no more limited to coloring books and coloring pages. Activities activate your brainstorming skills and develop interest to learn more.