Teaching Children Responsibility:
Every parent in this world wants his child to be responsible enough to understand his duties. What if each child is grown as a responsible adult? The world would be such a better place to live in. So the question is how? How to raise responsible children? It is about making them feel their positive contribution is what the people around you and the environment needs. They must know that whatever work they are into or are planning to do so, must be done with all the best abilities they can do.
If each individual in a house becomes responsible and gets to understand his side of role, there wouldn’t be so much pressure on a single person. It’s not right if we think that every household chore is the mother’s responsibility, No. Each member has to play a part and make things better and that is what comes with responsibility and understanding. Give children the authority off decision-making since as a part of the family they have a right to come up with their opinions and you must listen. Below are some ideas and keys that would aid in initiating the process of teaching children responsibility:

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1) Clean-up The Mess On Your Own:
Start by making your child get involved with you while teaching kids responsibility. Hand him/her a sponge along with you to clean up the floor even if he doesn’t know how to do so. Kids really want to help you and you have to teach them how to do so to make them do it on their own. If your little one spilled a glass of water, tell him it’s okay we can clan this up and start off. While going to school teach him to place his clothes he undressed at the right place and his slippers too. You need to explain him the importance of it that he wouldn’t have to look for things once he comes back.
2) Let Them Do It On Their Own:
Even though you’d be doing the same thing over again. That feeling of satisfaction that they are set responsible for any particular task is the key. They want to lead through everything. You have to encourage it by letting them for example clean the window on their own. It’s more time consuming since you have to do it all over again but that’s how he’ll learn. If a child is not given the authority to do something on his own, he’d always hesitate taking responsibility and not be confident about it.
3) Offer Choices:
They key for how to teach a child to take responsibility for their actions is while when assigning chores to children as an activity or a task, ask him what he wants to do. If he for example wants to clean up his room rather than the lounge, let him do it. He would do his best if he does anything by his choice and it wouldn’t even make him feel that he has been doing work a duty that needs to be performed. Let him be responsible of his chores.
4) Don’t Expect Him To Be Perfect:
Kids are supposed to learn the main idea of being responsible rather than uplifting their skills to do the chores. It can be learnt with practice but the focus mainly is how capable they are of carrying out their duties. If he is asked to do the playground, the thing which matters is that he is doing what he is asked to rather than being concerned about how clear the ground is and how it looks.
5) Don’t Do Too Much:
Doing little things for our kids makes us happy and we think that we are giving them all the best of what we can and that’s makes us satisfy. It’s good to be with them as much as we can and carry out activities together but teaching child responsibility certainly not mean doing the basic chores for them. If a child is capable enough to get him water, don’t do it for him. Making them realize that all the work is done by you at the end of the day would naturally trigger that irresponsible and dependency factor in them.
6) Establish Routine and Structure:
A proper planned routine or structure holds massive importance in every aspect of life. A child following his daily chores and timings according to it and how he manages to follow shows how responsible one is. It is of course not possible to follow everything as a perfectionist and that’s what takes time but it’s worth it. Such minute things pave paths for big future endeavors.
7) Don’t Rush To Resolve Difficulties:
It’s important while teaching kids responsibility to always stand by the side of your kids in every step of life, be with them and encourage them but pulling them up and solving all the problems is not good. Help him come out of his fears and failures is of course necessary. They should come up with a solution on their own rather than you doing so. He will be coming across a lot of problems in the future where he would have to do the decision making on his own and that’s what he should be prepared for.
8) Teach Consequences:
One should know the reaction their actions could result. Every action has two impacts, a positive and a negative one. A person has to know both of it when taking any decision to say or do something. It’ good to believe in rewards and physical achievements but having a skill build up alongside is what should matter the most.
9) Teach Him Deal With Irresponsibility:
It’s natural about some people being gifted a responsible gesture by nature. Though, there are many of others who need to learn with being responsible and it’s of course possible to do so. If a child forgets to put together all his belongings from somewhere, make him learn deal with it. Ask him to gather all of it as a checklist in his mind. This way he will become capable of managing his stuff with him.
10) Don’t Give Too Many Things:
Teaching children responsibility doesn’t mean burden him up assuming that would make learning quick. It takes time and it will take time. A lot of things piled up increase the chances for lack of interest and running away from it. Remember less is more and even if he succeeds doing one of his many tasks on time, it’s a good progress.
Learn the difference between being obedient and responsible. Giving a child ownership of a specific task means handing him responsible for the success and failure of it. For teaching children responsibility it’s important to know that where a child stands and how much of efforts he might require to learn. This would lead you to ‘allow him his way’ of doing things and not expecting perfection initially.