12 Fun-Filled Shape Activities For Toddlers
Teaching shape to kids is another most emphasized area of the subject. Teachers at school or parents at home apply and think of different activities for teaching kids shapes to make learning fun and lively. There are an enormous number of shape activities for toddlers you can add to your little one’s routine as learning through games and activities can be fun for your child. You can incorporate shapes to his leisure or craft time or think out for games to make him learn shapes without even making him think he is studying. Your kid can create pictures using basic shapes.
Don’t worry about how to teach shapes to toddlers. We provide you a list of different fun activities for teaching shape to toddlers, preschooler and kindergartner to make the most of and indulge in learning via fun.
1) Teaching shape with chart:
The most common teaching kids shapes activities where you present a chart with various shapes and names written on it. This represents learning about how each shape seems to appear. You can do some kind of activity to strengthen his learning skills:
2) Practicing Shapes:
After teaching and showing pictures, make students practice writing the words by labelling images on a worksheet or making sentences for each image. For example, What shape includes a circular clock? students can write “Circle” while if there is an image of a window, students can write “Square.” You can also continue this practice for learning about shape by pointing over different objects and make him observe and think. You can start with the basic shapes like circle, square and rectangle by these fun shape activities.
3) Shape Collage:
Cut out each shape with different colors for example- circle with red, rectangle blue and square green. Provide your child with a card sheet and ask him to make a picture using those shapes. This would reinforce his thinking skills like he would know if he makes a car that the tyres would circle, the windows square. Sounds like fun toddlers shapes activities that awaits you and your toddler!
4) Shape hidden in a salt box:
If you are exploring toddler shapes activities, you may not want to miss this one out. Start off with taking a sheet and make prominent pictures of various shapes of different colors. Place it at the base of your rectangular dish and fill it up using salt. Provide your little one with a paint brush and dust off the salt to seek what picture he reveals. When he names it, have a discussion about it to make him know more about it.
5) Sandpaper shape match:
Create shapes with the help of chalk on a sandpaper and cut out each one from another sandpaper. Put the shapes you have cut aside and play an activity with your child to match them with the drawn shapes by placing it on the top. Such shape activities for toddlers provide them with a more understanding of different shapes along with refined motor skills.
6) Geoboards:
Make teaching shape to toddlers and learning fun using geoboards. Set out a double-sided geoboards and a tin full of rubber bands on one side. The kids can use the rubber bands to make shapes on the geoboards. Just let the kids explore it and make shapes by them.
7) Shape boxes:
You can try teaching shape to toddlers lesson with paper Mache boxes with lids which can easily be found on craft stores. They usually come in basic shapes such as square, circle, rectangle and ovals. Children have to match the shape of the lid to the correct box.

Let your toddlers learn and practice shapes with this app!
Shape Sorter is an educational app geared at learning shapes for kids. This app includes the best shape activities for toddlers that will make learning shapes fun, entertaining and easy. There are also various shape activities for toddlers so they can learn and memorize shapes with ease.
8) Household object shape sorting:
You can emphasize your teaching lesson on squares and circles for your toddler. Gather items from around the house that are either circular or square in shape, and then put them onto a tray for your little one to sort. All the square shaped objects on one side, circular on the other and so on.
9) Tangrams:
Children match the shapes of the tangrams to the outlines of the shapes on the tangram mats. You have to arrange these tangram shapes together as a large square, rectangle, or triangle. The arrangement can also be turned for complex shapes later on. There are many ways to play with tangrams, such like tangrams online games. Such shape activities for toddlers are a fun way to let kids create their own complex shapes. But mostly, tangrams are treated as puzzles. The child will be shown a target shape in outline and what he has to do is recreate it following the shape.
10) Shape book:
While teaching kids shapes lesson, assign your little one in an activity to create a shape book by cutting pictures from magazines and glue them on a page to make a book. For example, a moon on the circle page, a door on the rectangle page and a window on the square. He will start enjoying this activity and observe things round him more frequently.
11) Funny faces shape activity:
Indulge some fun emotions in your teaching lesson with the kids using shapes. Make them pick a shape and draw an emotion in that shape (try using different shapes). For example: try making a happy circle? A sad rectangle? He would find this activity the fun out of all shape activities for toddlers because it involves human emotions and children are keen observers of emotions.
12) Shape hunt:
Look for different shapes around the house, classroom or even when you are out. Look at the toys, utensils in kitchen, or in the bedroom what you find is similar to shapes you have learnt. Make a collection of each and identify the shape of each object. After the shape walk, focus on the shapes that were easiest and hardest to find, using questions such as:
Shapes are the first impressions children get as they start getting familiar with the world surrounding them. They observe each object such as the clouds, fruits and other basic every-day objects, how they look, and they also start identifying and observing the shapes of all the facial features in order to identify their family members. Sums up, kids start to perceive the shapes around them even when they have no idea about their names and purposes. We bring you some exciting and educational learning and teaching shape toddlers activities to make his learning session more fun and engaging.
You may also like a few online shapes games.