Science Quiz for Kids View All Activities
The biggest part of the human brain is called _____________.
_______is the colored part that controls how light can pass through a pupil.
____________ is a pigment that gives color to hair and skin.
The muscles that are found in thighs are known as ______________.
The two chambers of the heart are called ________________.

The ___________ are made up of a substance called keratin.
The _________is the largest organ in the human body.
The innermost part of the bone contain ________________.

There are ___________ bones in the human body.
The human body have ________ pair of lungs.
Accept the challenge of our science quiz with great elementary science questions. The questions cover all major science subjects chemistry, biology and physics. You begin learning science from a young age and since then the process never comes to an end. Even if you are in a constant learning mode, this trivia quiz will help you practice what you have learned and you might learn some more informative ideas and facts. Quiz games are the best way to prepare, improve and estimate your learning in a quicker mode. A high score determines your level of learning. There is no negative marking for a wrong answer. You don't want to go through all those notes and paragraphs all over again to make sure you didn't skip anything. Select any of the quizzes below and get started today.