Road Trip Games for Kids
With the Internet, social media, games, and streaming platforms, boredom isn’t something we have to deal with very often. The online world has got everything you need to stay entertained and take care of all your needs, whether it is essay writing services reviews, movie recommendations, or online games. But in some cases, we still end up being stuck with no connection and no Internet. Luckily, there are dozens of fun games for kids and adults of all ages that will keep you entertained without screens or the Internet. A road trip is a great time to play them -- everyone is stuck in the car and has got lots of free time. Next time you embark on a road trip, try one of those games and see how it goes.
Twenty Questions
Twenty questions is one of those games that everyone knows and loves. Even the ones who don’t seem to have much enthusiasm at first will get really into it with time. In case you’re not familiar with the rules, they’re simple. First, you have to choose a person, a celebrity, a book, a place, or a thing. You might want to stick to easier categories such as people you know, fruit, or vegetables for younger kids. With older kids, more complex categories will work better. You don’t tell anyone what or who you chose, but you let them ask you 20 yes/no questions to determine what it is. After you answer all the questions, everyone takes a guess. The person who guesses right leads the next round.
Names is another classic game that has so many variations that you can never grow tired of it. The game consists of naming as many people, names, or items in one category as possible. Everyone takes turns, and once someone gets stuck and can’t think of another example anymore, they get eliminated. With younger kids, try cities, countries, sports, or animals. To make it more complicated, try naming all the US presidents, book series, Game of Thrones characters, etc. Another way to make the game a bit more exciting is only naming things that start with the last letter of the previous word. For example, if one of you said “crocodile”, the next person can say “elephant”, and so on.
Memory Test
Word games are great for alphabet practice. Memory test is a game that will help your kids revise the letters and train their memory at the same time. The first person starts with “A” and adds a word that begins with A by saying “A is for ant”, for example. The next person has to think of a word that starts with B and repeat the previous word. Consequently, the third person would repeat all the letters and words that have been said: “A is for ant, B is for bee, C is for cat”. Everyone takes turns and tries to remember everything that has already been said.
License Plate Map
Old but gold, the License Plate game can keep everyone busy for a long time. Before the road trip begins, everyone gets a piece of paper or a special printout with a map of the states. Once you hit the road, everyone should look out for license plates from different states and mark them on their paper. If someone sees all 50, they will be the winner. If no one gets that lucky, you can count how many states everyone has got, and the person who has the most wins.
Road trip bingo
Road trip bingo is basically a more creative version of the License Plate game. First of all, you should choose the category you’d like to play, depending on your kids’ age and interests. You can play bingo with restaurants, car colors, car brands, animals, traffic signs, etc. The person who crosses everything out first says “Bingo!” and become the winner. Instead of choosing a category, you can also look up some ready-made road trip bingo printouts with things like a church, a school, a dog in the car, a bike, an airplane, etc.
Storytime is one of those games that might sound a little boring, but when you actually try it, you’ll realize how fun it is. It’s super simple too. The game starts with one person saying one sentence to begin the story. It can be “once upon a time” or anything else that you can come up with. Then someone else says another sentence, the next person says the third sentence, and so on. Younger kids will definitely love it, and you’re guaranteed to share some giggles. Obviously, the weirder and funnier it is, the better.
What am I Counting?
As you can see from the previous suggestions, guessing games are great for road trips. There’s no need for any equipment or preparation, it can keep you entertained for a while, and kids of all ages will enjoy them. One of the variations is “What am I Counting?”. You have to think about some things that you’ll see quite frequently on the road and start counting them out loud every time you see one of them. It can be black cars, traffic lights, trees, whatever. Everyone else tries to figure out what exactly you are counting.

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