How to Teach Toddler to Share
Sharing is a challenging task generally for young kids and it’s equally important in making them have friends and be co-operative in daily life tasks as well. How to teach toddler to share is a quality that is to be developed from a young age and it can be best done by providing your child with plenty of time and opportunity to practice it. It could be done by getting them involved in different game play activities and teaching. If you are worried about your preschooler not ready to share his belongings and stuff or how to teach a child to share, don’t worry about that and it’s absolutely a natural learning process with minimal efforts. It will take a while for him to adapt this habit since children this young put up their needs first rather than others and the sharing thing could get him upset. Sharing is related to patience and both the things work together. You might also see toddlers and young children get into a fight over reasons that any of him took or touch the others stuff. It is important because it helps children make friends and get in touch with people later in life. If you think in the long term when a child makes it to kindergarten or child care, he would have to opt sharing qualities.

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Teach Them About Sharing:
Parents are role model for their children and they are followed by them. Whatever action or words you say in front of them, keep in mind they have a very strong sense of observation and whatever you do is getting stored in their minds and the same goes while teaching kids to share. Of course, you have to provide them opportunities and actions to practice. Here are some ways you can encourage your kids to share things with others and highlight its importance and benefits: - Make them notice positive things like “your fellow student was being so kind sharing her toys with friends”. It would make them think that others too like such kind of gesture. - Play activities which involve sharing and being patient like waiting for your turn until everyone is done. - Get cards or painting done for teachers and friends. It’s like of getting your efforts done for the people who love and care for you. - Praise them while teaching kids to share if you find them playing with others, sharing their stuff. - Believe it, sharing is more than materialistic things, it’s about emotions. You also need to share your time and efforts too. - Talk to him about his feelings like “What do you think, your friend won’t return your toy?” or “Are you afraid of not getting your turn?” Tell him if he is worried about such things to calm down and have him adopt a good gesture that he can ask for his things politely if he wants them back.
Make It Fun:
Competitive games are good for kids in terms of getting that sense of urge to make effort develop in them but when you are teaching them about sharing and getting those qualities build up, that’s when you should get him involve in co-operative games. Let them play a jigsaw puzzle with pairing up a team, play ludo (they have to wait for their turn) and activities like these. Make teams and give them tasks like painting or making cards for teachers and friends, it will encourage them share opinions and ideas to each other.
Respect His Belongings:
Though sharing is a nice gesture but being parents and teachers while teaching kids to share, we must also share respect towards their possessions. If you find out a specific thing such as clothes, toy or any other stuff he owns or is possessive about, do ask him before taking it. Instead of saying him to just let others play with it, seek permission like “Would you mind if your sister takes it for a while, she will return it back”. And not just you but make sure that his friends and siblings too have this respect within them, as for his permission and assure that it will be returned to him safe and sound. Not only that, teach them to take an extra care of others possession.
Lead By Example:
How to teach a child to share comes from you, take help from the fact that kids pay close attention to what their parents do. So, start with yourself. Be a role model for your children and let them observe. Half of the teaching will be done this way. Share your ice cream, candies and stuff with them. Before having anything, make sure you ask them if they would want to have it. It will become of habit in them. Not only children, ask everyone else sitting around. Use the word share while doing so and let them know its importance and impact by just looking you doing it. That feeling they get when asked by others before them having it will be so impactful that it will help them understand that if they would do the same, it would end up laying a kind impact on others.
Never Punish For Not Sharing:
In the initial stage of teaching, you might feel embarrassed and angry watching your child being mean and selfish at times. If you see him snatching stuff and getting into a fight for things, it can provoke you to become angry at him. Deal things with a calm mind, if you punish or scold your child you can make him more stubborn and defensive. It would be even more difficult for you to make him adapt the behaviour otherwise. Keep it in mind it’s difficult for a child to have that feeling of giving through his stuff to others and let go his stuff. It will take time for him to develop this behaviour. As he gets mature, he will himself adopt this behaviour and you’ll see a drastic change in his overall personality and behaviour. Just be around your little one and give him most of your time and efforts. You’ll see how he adapts and absorbs your personality. Let your little one be around in children from a young age. Let him build his trust over others. Know that a preschooler or a toddler is way too young to share his stuff with others, even you. As he grows and starts going to school, he will have it in him. You just have to be patient and give your best.