How to Help Child With Reading Comprehension?
Every child love listening and reading stories and developing reading comprehension skills is important for absorbing story books. As a child gets older, the comprehension and reading skills will make him understand textbooks, questions, articles and other convoluted texts. Does your child have difficulty understanding and saying what he/she reads? Is he struggling with reading words smoothly? This could stem from the fact that they need to work on their comprehension skills. The reality is that this is also one activity parents and teachers need to devote into with their little one. Kids do not learn reading comprehension by themselves and they will never do so. This is one thing you need to work on from a very young age and the more it’s delayed, the more time and efforts it will aim. Wondering how to help child with reading comprehension. When kindergartners find difficulty in reading, it can affect their performance in many subjects including communication skills. Poor comprehension and reading ability can result in low self-esteem and poor grades. The good news is that comprehension is something that can be improved with regular practice, some reading activities and reading strategies for kindergarten. Along with learning to read effectively, your little one can build skills that will enhance his reading skills and comprehension.
Below are some kindergarten reading comprehension tips and tricks to sharpen reading comprehension skills in your little one and your answer to how to help child with reading comprehension.
1) Read Out Loud:
You can always try this, every person and especially children gain a better understanding of what they are reading while reading out loud than they are able to get while reading in their head. Encourage your little one to read aloud to strengthen his reading skills via listening to what is coming out from his mouth or if he or she is struggling with any specific text or find difficulty in saying words. Start with searching activities to know about how to help a child with reading difficulties and help him improving it. When you read, you determine and closely examine what the words are and if they make sense in a sentence. This forces them to go slower, which gives them more process time to determine what they read, listening to the words and as well as viewing them.
2) Re-read the confusing sections:
Revisiting the parts that were confusing for your kindergartner or wasn’t able to read in flow can help him improve with kindergarten reading comprehension gain a more refined picture of what he or she is learning. As practice makes the man perfect, to go over something again and again will ensure making him perfect in it. This also helps ensure your child is able to perceive upcoming material in the text.
3) Use your finger to follow along the text:
Most children find it difficult to follow up the line or specific word while reading out a passage, you must help them by encouraging the use a ruler or finger to make following along easier. This is the most common phrase people come across asking how to help a child with reading difficulties or the first step to how to teach your toddler to read and is of great help also. It forces your eyes to concentrate on a line or phrase of words. As you continue with reading, you will find your eyes and brain coordinating quickly on their own.
4) Provide him with books of right levels:
Make sure your child gets lots of practice reading books that aren't too easy and also not too hard. Enhance reading skills does not mean he should speak words in flow that are not even her level match and is a main point of elementary reading comprehension strategies. You have to make sure and check that she should recognize at least 90 percent of the words without any help and if not then what makes it hard for him to do so and why. Pausing in between more often to figure out a specific word makes it tough for one to focus on the overall meaning of the story. Reading in flow helps to encourage kids to stop and ask themselves, “Is this making sense?” and he will be focused moreover towards the actual sense the text has in it.
5) Looks for ‘clues’:
The combination of clues from the story and what you already are aware of can lead you in making guesses for where the story lends . This also enhance and boost your thinking capability and kindergarten reading comprehension in your kindergartner. These are inferences and making them is a great way to build reading comprehension. For example, when we read “Lisa’s throat was sore and nose was runny,” we can infer that Lisa has a cold or allergy. Help your child do this as he reads through.
6) Spot difficult words:
As your child makes his or her way through the reading material, make him write down unfamiliar words on a sheet of paper or highlight them to enlighten. How to teach your toddler to read highlights to encourage your child and sit with him while he looks up into these words in a dictionary to learn what they mean and developing comprehensive skills. Let him explain first what meaning his search has lead him to. After that ask him to make sentences of those words to give him a more clear view of it’s meaning.

Improve your Child's Reading Comprehension Skills Through an App!
Reading Comprehension Fun Game helps parents and students improve reading skills and ability to answer questions. This English Reading Comprehension App has got the best stories for kids to read and answer related questions!
7) Figure out What’s Important?
Ask your child and have a discussion about the main characters in the story and what are they up to. What’s the most important thing that has happened in the story so far? What are his views until now and stuff like that to indulge him into the story and read with the ability to understand. When kids can point out what’s important, they’re more likely to understand what they read.
8) Stay Connected To His Teacher:
If your child is struggling with reading comprehension, he may need more help with building his vocabulary or practicing phonics skills. Your involvement is of course a main part of up building and improving his reading comprehension for preschool but his teacher’s role can also not be ignored in developing reading strategies for kindergarten. His teacher must know his weak points so that he targets mainly that part to help him advance in it and also assist you regarding how to help kids with reading comprehension.
9) Model good reading habits:
It is important for children to see and feel that their parents and teachers value reading. Keep in mind that he will value things you do. Teachers can help by setting a 5-10 minute reading class daily to promote improving kindergarten reading comprehension skills and value reading. During this time, students and their teacher can choose books to read. Parents can help by making sure that children see them reading at home. Teachers should read loudly so that children could aid in understanding via learning through their listening abilities. Parents should make bedtime stories part of their nightly routine.
The more practice you take time to do with your little kindergartner with kindergarten reading comprehension, the stronger their visualization skills will become. Reading and ability to comprehend is as important as writing. It makes you able to communicate efficiently throughout your life. Soon, visualizing will become a habit, and will help him excessively in reading every time he opts for a book. We all should appreciate baby steps in every learning case! Just keep in mind that your daily practice will pave more neural pathways, aid and abet with how to help child with reading comprehension.