How To Get Siblings Work Together
Having siblings is one of the greatest gifts of God. You play and do stuff together, have conflicts and at the end of the day you forget everything. Such bonds are unbreakable but being a parent, you should teach your children how to share love and behave with his brothers and sisters. In short how to get siblings to get along. Children may face hard times with each other, it is on how you help them face and resolve the issues the right way. It can be done by having the best time together and enjoying each other’s company. They can fight over petty things and the reason could be a simple toy. Even the most loving siblings can have bad days and conflicts. Here are some ways on how to help siblings get along and stay together.
Show the Behavior You Want to See in Them:
One of the most important actions parents can take is to be a model for the behavior they want to have in their kids too. Kids generally copy their parents and behave like they do. If you want your children to behave properly, ensure that you portray the same behavior. Even though a lot of other things are involved in growing up kids as polite and nice to each other, the parent of parents still stays constant.
Don’t Compare Your Kids:
When making them do something we often say that particular child is so nice and does all his chores by him thinking that he would also do the same. This is what we should not be doing. Such things develop a sense of jealousy and bad behavior. Say whatever you want to but without referring to anyone. Don’t even do that in a positive way.
Create an Atmosphere of Kindness:
Create opportunities for your kids to be kind and appreciate each other. Normalize good deeds of them with each other very often. You can do so by maintaining a journal in which you mention acts of kindness followed by each of your children that you notice. Give them chances to appreciate each other's deeds and the fact that they are siblings of each other. This can be very beneficial on how to encourage siblings to get along.
Make a Team:
Reward every opportunity to create teamwork between siblings. Try making your kids partners in doing chores or assign them a task they have to do together. You can do so by creating an appreciation jar and inserting a coin on every successful work. Observe that if they don’t show respectful behavior with each other, teach them to do so.
Practice Self-control:
The self-control skill is the solution to all the problems including anger issues, short temperament and getting along with each other. Teach your kids to stop, think and then say something and you will see the change in their attitude and behavior with each other. Let them solve disputes on their own rather than you doing so and observe how they do it. Ofcourse, you will have to teach them first.
Have Them Spend Time Together:
Are your children interested in playing together? Have you observed that they enjoy each other’s company or not? These things should be checked upon while you are upbringing them. Tell them that you want to see good behavior in them and want them to take care of one other. This will have them spending time together and they will naturally start liking their siblings.
Discuss Emotions:
Teaching your children to understand others point of view is very important and necessary in order to come up with wise decisions and know each other. They should know that each one of us have distinct likes and dislikes and one should respect it. Your choice cannot necessarily be what one in front if you will like. Teach them to respect emotions and express them. If you don’t like anything then how to say it in a polite manner that the sentiments of the person next to you don’t get hurt.
Talk About Your Own Relationship with Siblings:
Kids are generally very interested in listening to stories about how you were as children and how your bond was with your siblings. Listening to such stories will make them realize the importance of this relationship. Even when they see you behaving nicely with your siblings, it can lay a positive impact on them.

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