How To Get Kids To Listen To You Without Yelling?
We often see parents getting concerned about their child not listening to them. They need to know the tricks and ways to how to get kids to listen and make them perform actions by acting upon what they say. There is a lot going on the minds of children at that stage of life. They are concerned more about their favorite tv show than the bath time. It’s natural and happens with every parent at some stage of life making them look for ways how to make kids listen. The way you look up to the priorities is not the same, they have different priorities. Children prioritize things differently according to what makes them happy. You say him something very politely and in a very appropriate manner and he still acts like he couldn’t hear making you get frustrated and curious for his this kind of behavior. The way they ignore what you said about 5 times make you scream and at the end of the day you might regret about being the kind of parent you have become. You then find out ways for how to deal with a child that doesn't listen. Here are a few tips and tricks for you to implement that might help with how to get your kids to listen and let your little one take into note what you say the very first time.
1) Drag His Attention:
The best way to make someone listen to you or explain what you want to say to a child is coming up to his level. Children are generally very sensitive. You don’t have to say things loud from another room out to them sitting in the lounge and expect them to follow. Observe what activity he has been doing and by making comments about it try to enter into his zone. Hold him lightly and explain teaching about what you want to say. To make him listen you need to be his center of attention and pay respect to what he loves for example his favorite cartoon or the game he I fond of. You can start with “I need to discuss something” and go with what you want to deliver.
2) Make Sure You Don’t Repeat:
If a child is well aware of the fact that he would be asked to listen to you again and again, it is obvious why he won’t pay attention. He must know what you have said once will not be repeated twice and he has to pay attention to it in the first time. Repetition minimizes the worth of what you say and fails your attempt to how to get kids to listen.

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3) Give Him a Choice:
Try to give him choice when you demand to listen up to something and let him decide what he choose for him. The anger and threats don’t work and instead of making child feel guilty or bad for not listening to you, it makes him stubborn and less likely to listen to you. You need to opt ways that might help you with how to get kids to listen without yelling. If you are calling out to him for brushing his teeth you can go with doing it immediately or after 10 mins.
4) Tell What You Expect:
A child should know what expectations his parents hold for him. It is very important to make him realize things. Before he begins with doing something he needs to know your plan ahead of that and it is the best solution for how to discipline a child that won't listen. Instead of yelling at him for something he is doing, warn him prior to it. Take an example of your child watching t.v. You come home and see him watching it since when you left will make you shout naturally. Instead, before leaving let him know about your plans like “I expect you would turn off the t.v by 5”. The latter is far a better approach for making your point more clear.
5) Notice His Point Of View:
When asking a child for something first consider your own self into his place and think about your feelings at that time. Imagine yourself busy watching your favorite show and getting disturbed in between. The result is obvious. It will make you get frustrated and not wanting to listen or talk to anybody. That goes for him as well. If you find him doing an activity he loves, wait for it to end or choose an appropriate time to put your request in front of him.
6) Don’t Get Hyper:
The key to have kids listen to you in the first time is if you maintain a friendly behavior with them. If you get upset, it will make them get upset and end up yelling. If you are in a hurry to be somewhere don’t just shout and get hyper over little things. Deal with calmness and help kids sort out things, their shoes or help them pack their bags for the journey.
7) Avoid Don’ts:
Even if with us being an adult, it makes us angry over commands like don’ts. It sounds harsh and kids are very sensitive about little things. You can use why’s and how instead of pointing out anything straight away. It’s therefore clear, if you are here for an understanding about how to get children to listen, sit back and explain him how things should be and how a certain thing might cause harm. He would definitely understand.
8) Say Yes to The Right:
“Mama can I go out and play”? “No”. “Can I have another chocolate”? “No”. We often do this and neglect whatever a child demands creating our own perceptions and thinking it would make him stubborn or it’d not really that important. When you face a number of requests coming, you end up saying No, Nope, Naah and it’s pretty natural. Even if in your mind you might be thinking you would fulfil his demand some other day. Instead of refusing him right away you might appreciate his desires and convince him for later.
Remember, there is a special bond shared between the kids and parents. If you failed to strengthen or maintain it that might also be one reason he is not listening. The bond is the first thing to keep in mind when you are struggling with how to get kids to listen. Yelling might be the solution in extreme cases but teaching with calm and polite attitude will benefit him in the long term. Connecting is the brick for communicating with someone and is not a onetime thing. Just like children, Parents need to listen too. If you are reaching out ways for how to deal with a child that doesn't listen, you have to listen and understand the reason behind it.