Homeschooling Books for Children
When you are new to homeschooling, everything might seem a challenge and confusion grabs you tight. Researchers say that if you read a book related to the field you choose, you can probably master it in seven years. If your desired field home schooling, you need to focus on the books that focus over homeschooling tips. This article is all about different books that can be of great benefits of homeschooling for parents or individuals. The collection also has books for children who are into homeschooling in order to know and learn more about advantages of homeschooling and how they can make the most if it. We will tell you what your bookshelf must have, that you can look up to anytime and it will answer your all sort of questions in no time. These are the ones that every parent should have when homeschooling their child. Although you will find tons of books associated with homeschooling tips but the ones mentioned here are the gems and all time classics. Have a look!

1) The Unschooling Handbook- Mary Griffith:
The decision of unschooling your child might be tough and independent with many confusions racing through your mind. Don’t worry, this book is all you need and will accompany you in reducing you worries and actually helping out with how to initiate. It’s very simple, easy and applicable which actually defines how to use or think of the whole world as a classroom for your child. You can make him learn all the time without even him knowing it and that’s the smartest part and trick. You can read it more than once, over and over again whenever you doubt your decision and are unsure with the homeschooling advantages.
2) Homeschooling: The Early Years- Linda Dobson:
If you are a home schooler of young children who have just started his educational career, this is what you shouldn’t miss out. It provides a detailed information for fresh home school parents and will help you out with how to focus an individual when you are doing it.
3) Homeschooling for the Rest of Us: How Your One-of-a-Kind Family Can Make Homeschooling and Real Life Work -Sonya Haskins:
It explains beautifully that how each individual is different and that not every child fits in the same frame with the real life example of some amazing homeschooling families. You can also get some amazing practical tips and the benefits of homeschooling from them and practice if you feel like doing so. It is a go to guide for parents who need encouragement in order to withstand the decision of them. Since no matter at what point of homeschooling journey you are, there will be times when you can be discouraged or demotivated and to pull yourself up, you seek for such motivating examples.
4) 102 Top Picks for Home school Curriculum: Cathy Duffy:
Being a parent another thing that worries you the most is how the curriculum is planned. This book is all about how to set and choose the right curriculum. The author explains here how to track your child’s learning style and how to match your specific curriculum needs.
5) The Core: Teaching Your Child the Foundations of Classical Education-Leigh:
The book refers to the methodology and philosophy behind classical educational style. There are many homeschooling approaches including the classroom home style which is mostly common. One usually takes methodologies for homeschooling that fits its requirement the most. You may not opt for a method as it is, you can customise and take bits from different ones and create your own according to your requirements which is usually the most result driven.
6) Teach Your Own- John Holt and Pat Farenga:
It is one of the ancient and precious pious which sets the pillar of home school promotion. His work till date is praised and famous. You can set all your doubts clear and determine the homeschooling advantages once you go through this piece. He firmly believed that children are naturally curious and eager to learn new random things on their own.
7) Home Grown- Ben Hewwit:
You would have probably heard that education or learning is not limited to a specific area or room. You will find a range of arguments referring to such point of view. Ben actually highlights and take you through this in the book. He not only believes but proves and have shown it clearly. It can change your overall concept of teaching and learning would no longer be a struggle that limits to a specific time and place. It shows that you learn all the time and how it effects the brain of young children.
8) The Call Of The Wild + Free: Reclaiming Wonder In Your Child’s Education-Ainsley Armet:
Armet is also the founder of a community (Wild+Free). This book sums up the basics of homeschooling with interesting pictures of home school setups. It shows a very interesting journey or her and the family and how and why they decided to go for homeschooling and how it worked for them. They actually made it work for them and that is the most interesting and motivational part. Homeschooling also comes along with a lot of myths that catch up your mind at the same time and that is what she talks about. It also helps you to create your own homeschooling routine and how you can do it.
9) Minimalist Homeschooling-Zara Fagen:
If you are planning to set up your homeschooling plans, this easy to read book is a must have. You will feel an immense encouragement as at the end of every chapter there is a “Let’s Do It!” section. If you are planning to have some more creative, outside projects this is a go to guide.
10) Curious Unschoolers: Stories of an Unschooling Family-Sue Elvis:
Sue Elvis talks with honesty elaborating years of her homeschooling and all the stuff you might be looking for. The interesting part of the book is that it mentions all the common issues and how to overcome them. It is not for the unschoolers only but all the others too and that’s what’s the best part about it. A good-book is your sincerest friend and a treasure that is always by your side. It’s up to your choice to have one or two or as many of the books as you like.
It’s a personal choice but a book is a guide that you can always look forward to when seeking help. Even if you are aware of the benefits of homeschooling, moments come when you demand motivation to look up to your decision and if it’s right or not.