Health Activities for Preschoolers
Personal hygiene is not only about keeping oneself clean but also to prevent an individual and his family from infecting from various infectious disease. Most of the diseases are spread due to poor hygiene and bacteria entering via mouth or nose. If you are looking for fun, exciting and informative hygiene activities for your kid/toddler, this is exactly where you should be. Health activities for preschoolers and young children must be practised for the betterment of the community and individuals.
Importance of Personal Hygiene for Children:
Kids who don’t generally take care of their personal hygiene and health or live in areas where people follow poor hygiene are more likely to get caught from various diseases. By following a proper and good personal hygiene a person is able to: • Stay healthy and perform well in various activities like studies etc. • Feel fresh and healthy. • Able to help others i.e. parents and elderly people. • Stay away from infections and various disease. Of course children don’t have knowledge and skills to take care of their own selves from the beginning. They are supposed to be taught and made aware about how to take care of the health hygiene and have a healthy lifestyle. The best way is to start practice from an early age in order to follow it in the future
Hygiene Activities for Toddlers:
Below are some of the health activities for kids such as preschool and kindergarten children which can be implemented by teachers at schools and parents at home.
1) Teeth Art Activity:
Fun health class activities begin with the most important health essential, teeth. Teeth play a major role in maintaining a healthy hygiene. Whatever is eaten gets inside your mouth and that’s when they start with its role. If one doesn’t follow a proper care of the teeth, chances of getting ill are very high. This activity is all about teaching kids how to keep their teeth healthy and clean. Cut out the bottom of soda bottles and turn upside down which will make them look alike teeth. Spray the body using a shaving cream and hand brushes to the children. Ask them to properly clean out the overall surface with specified positions they would be doing while brushing their own teeth.
2) Making Toothpaste:
One of the most fun hygiene activities for kids involves group activity like making stuff on their own. They will need the following things:
• Baking soda
• Floss • Salt
• Tooth brush
• Containers
Mix all the ingredients together and put some on the toothbrush to start off.
3) Exercise Practice:
Hygiene activities for preschoolers helps understand and tell kids the importance of exercise and how it helps keeping the body active, healthy and fit. A daily 20 mints of exercise in the morning can help one feel fresh and start off the day with positivity. Children must be taught these activities in the fun way to help them follow in the future.
• Have both the arms in the air like wings.
• Standing on their toes.
• Clap with hands standing vertically above their heads.
• See who can touch his feet first.
• Standing on one leg.
4) Making Fruit Bowl:
Hand paper plate to each child and place fruits cut into slices. Ask them to create shapes, emoji or whatever they want using it. For example they can use cherries for eyes, orange slice for lips and use their creativity. Such health activities for preschoolers tell children how important it is to intake nutrients and vitamins and the rich source of which are fruits and vegetables.
5) Matching Game:
Kids should know various tools specified for personal hygiene and how to use them. You can use cards to make pictures of toothbrush, clippers, soap, mouthwash and other things and on the other ones various body parts each one is used for. They should be given a lecture about how to clean your body and what to use. The cards can then be used to match and know about what is learned.

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6) Health Talk:
You can plan health talking sessions at home or at the classrooms discussing on various ways to improve your health. It can go with discussion over what your body needs and how to take it via eating healthy and practising healthy approaches. Also about keeping your body clean, brushing your teeth twice a day, washing hands especially before and after eating, sneezing and coughing over your arm and things like these. Taking these measures from an initial stage means helping kids to adapt it and follow in the future also.
7) Personal Hygiene Worksheets:
There are a plenty of worksheets on the internet online and you can print them out for your children. There are checklists of do’s and don’ts which you have to tick and at the end checkout if your personal hygiene information is correct or not. It is a great way of learning and know more about health issues and how to prevent yourself and your family from getting infected.
8) The Glitter Craft:
This activity involves 3 or more children and dust glitter over the hand of one of the three. The glitter refers to the germs here. Now have him hand shake with the two and doing rest of the activities throughout the day without washing his hands. The other ones on the other hand will be washing hands before performing each activities like eating or touching anything. This will determine how germs spread and enter to your body through mouth, eyes and nose.
As your child moves from infant to toddler and then young adult, these phases bring a drastic change in his lifestyle, being more practical and independent. Your part here is to make your child understand how to prioritize it. What are the essentials of staying healthy and how to follow it. With all you teach and make him understand, it is always better understood with fun and practical health activities for kids.