Steps for Teaching Hand Washing for Kids
Hand washing for kids is a cheap and the most effective way to prevent your children and family from germs. Since ‘Health is wealth’, a healthy child will be more punctual and tend to perform better in studies and other activities. Mostly children get sick when the germs on their hands or various parts of the body gets inside. Teaching them how to wash their hand properly is one of the best and easiest way to keep them safe and healthy.
When to Wash Your Hands:
• Before and after eating food.
• Before and after coming into contact with a sick person.
• Before touching your face.
• After using the toilet.
• After a sneeze or cough.
• After touching a garbage.
• Before and after handling a pet or animal.
Steps for How To Wash Hands for Kids:
Below are the main hand washing steps for kids. 1. Get your hands wet, use a soap or a hand wash to make them soapy. 2. Cover your hands with enough soap. 3. The next step is to rub and rub. Rub your hands together for 20 seconds. 4. Clean your palms, the part above your hands, in between your fingers and the nails. Don’t forget your nails at it traps the most germs underneath. 5. When done, rinse your hands by placing them under the tap and let the water flow. Rub in the same way to wash out all the dirt and soap. 6. Shake your hands for a few times and using a towel or a tissue dry them.
Unable To Reach The Sink:
What if a child is small enough to reach the sink? There is a solution for hand washing for kids in that case too. If your child is unable to reach up the sink you can hold and help him to do so. Just hold him to the sink and let him wash his hands when he asks. You can also teach him using a hand sanitiser the proper way. Make sure you clean your hands too when helping him do so.
Don’ts for Hand Washing:
• Don’t use anyone else’s towel. It is a major carrier for bacteria.
• Don’t use a standing sink of water to wash your hands.
• Don’t use hand sanitizers if your hands are greasy.It will not work.
• Don’t use the same soap to wash your hands and face.
Children are full of life and careless when comes to their own hygiene and health. That is what matters the most and being parents we should be concerned about their wellbeing. The basic step to make sure they don’t let bacteria come across as a hinder to their life is to make them learn how to wash their hands properly and frequently. This not only protects them but also the people especially kids surrounding them. If they are not showing up interest in doing so you may begin with how to teach hand washing in a fun way. This includes singing songs while teaching them steps.

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