Fun Things to Do With Kids During Covid
The year 2020 has come up with many of the things unknown and so is COVID-19. Little did anyone know that such a pandemic would cross their ways and leave a severe impact in overall system of the world. It is known to be highly contagious due to which almost all of the departments have been closed for a time period. No one is allowed to move outside without any definite reason and people are also worried about their loved ones. Being adults, we know it’s important to take all the precautions for the well being of our own self and the family but what about kids? What to do with kids during covid? How are they coping with the situation? Schools are closed and instead online schooling is in practice. They cannot go out and meet their friends like before. The quarantine period throughout is very different from the usual life routine that we usually follow. Most people might be bored, isolated and more anxious in this period but the children on the top of it actually are unaware of the restrictions going around. It is having a negative impact on their physical and mental health too. From getting themselves ready in the morning for school and meeting their friends to having fun, going to parks and everything is not happening.
Since taking it positively this is the best time one can be with their family and get along each other more often which can be done by incorporating fun things to do with kids during covid. Here’s a roundup of what fun activities for kids at home can be followed up in these stressful times to keep your little one occupied.
Virtual Field Trips:
It now seems to be clear for all of us that we are all living at a single place. As we are all working from home and doing things that way. Virtual field trips are what take you to any corner of the world while sitting in the comfort of your sofa, at home. There are great sources that provide you and your child with virtual tours. Since we need to be at home, we can freshen our mood and learn things from moving around. There are some amazing resources that would help you explore and get to know ancient and some amazing places around the earth. Virtual trips are the best activities for kids at home to make the most of their time.
Cook With Your Kids:
The kitchen can be another place during these times and can lead benefit to parents and kids. Raising a healthy eater is not only about making him do so through words but a help him eat his veggies in the most fun way. Most of the kids don’t eat any particular veggie since they haven’t done that before. Making them participate into little things like washing and tossing to get them involved might lead them enjoy eating it and also spend some quality time. On the other hand, cooking skills can help them with the mathematics with understanding fractions, determining measurements along with examining the changes of state with temperature and actually enjoying it. You can also help them learn how certain medications can help with maintaining you as a healthy individual.

Teach your kids Math more effectively with educational apps.
This time tables app is a perfect companion for kindergarten and preschool kids to learn. This multiplication tables app is very useful to learn tables for kids from 1 to 10.
Re-Use Materials:
You can try this with the cardboard roll that remains after a tissue paper roll is all used up. Instead of throwing it up, it can be a part of your home activities for kids session this season. Kids can be creative with these by turning it to different spy cases, pen holder or whatever they want. There’s a ton of examples in the internet if you want to be creative. Following them can bring out your child’s creativity.
Children love to paint and get messed around. Handing them over a bunch of paint brushes and a canvas or any object to paint. Let them paint with rollers, brushes and stuff and make sure to bring it as a routine. Maintain a routine and have them stick to it. A daily painting routine will help kids come up with more creative ideas. Since painting can help you communicate and bring out emotions without using the words. It improves eye hand co-ordination and it gives them opportunity to have fun and do exciting things. They use their hands which help them coordinate and improve muscle movement. Painting routines are fun activities for kids to do at home.
Category Game:
You can choose a category of your choice e.g. (animal, cereal or vegetable). Now you can move around your home and name one item of that specific category until that person cannot further name an item or a specific thing from the category. You can change the category after that. The main purpose of this game is to connect with your children and spend some quality time this quarantine.
The Glitter Craft:
This activity involves 3 or more children and dust glitter over the hand of one of the three. The glitter refers to the germs here. Now have him hand shake with the two and doing rest of the activities throughout the day without washing his hands. The other ones on the other hand will be washing hands before performing each activities like eating or touching anything. This will determine how germs spread and enter to your body through mouth, eyes and nose. As your child moves from infant to toddler and then young adult, these phases bring a drastic change in his lifestyle, being more practical and independent. Your part here is to make your child understand how to prioritise it. What are the essentials of staying healthy and how to follow it. With all you teach and make him understand, it is always better understood with fun and practical health activities for kids. It can be a part of fun home activities for kids.
STEM Activities:
Activities for kids during covid at home could also incorporate stem activities to make the most out of fun time. Try with ones that has the items accessible to you and make it show as a fun activity and not learning. Let each child come up with his individual thought and make him explain. Science and technology when combined to form an activity is a lot of fun and learning.