Online Food Quiz for Kids View All Activities
Identify the healthy food from the following:
We should eat __________ portion of fruits and vegetables per day.
Pasta belongs to the ___________ group.
This food belongs to the ___________ group.

Rice contain _____________.
We should avoid drinking __________________.
Identify this healthy food.

___________ makes your bones strong.
Mango is a ____________.

Identify this food.

Food provides energy to our body. Do you know the difference between healthy and unhealthy food. You might love something and it’s not healthy for your body. This online food quiz for kids will help you learn what proportion of which nutrients are necessary for your body and what’s healthy and unhealthy to eat. Also, how not proper intake of nutrients can affect you, you cannot jump, run, swim properly. Quiz games are the best way to prepare, improve and estimate your learning in a quicker mode. A high score determines your level of learning. There is no negative marking for a wrong answer. You don't want to go through all those notes and paragraphs all over again to make sure you didn't skip anything. Select any of the quizzes below and get started today.