Why Consider e-Learning in 2020? Pros and Cons of Online Education
The more information technology develops, the simpler various processes and systems become. The educational system is no exception. Recently, a trend of distance education has become increasingly popular caused by the current situation in the global health sector. Teachers and students share their opinions on remote-learning life because of the current trends in education these days. And today, a plethora of world-known tertiary education institutions offer online courses and e-learning to help enthusiastic learners earn their degrees no matter what. Irrespective of the format of training, studying at a higher educational establishment comes with several challenges and difficulties. One such exhausting "obstacle" depriving students of the opportunity to enjoy college life and have at least a little personal time is an array of writing tasks in every academic subject. To save some free time for leisure and other activities and maintain their well-being, school and university attendees periodically resort to an online writing resource. Here, you can learn how to write an article review from the professional experts. As you can see, education and technology are inextricably linked and become more and more intertwined. Now let's talk about remote education 2020 and analyze its advantages and disadvantages.
The Emergence of Distance Learning
The primary reason for online education emergence is the need to give students the possibility of obtaining a degree, regardless of nationality and residence. Remote education is universal; it is suitable for absolutely everyone, including people with special needs. Also, it is more affordable than other formats of education trends. Another benefit of e-learning is that those who wish to receive an education can choose specific training courses using the "education on request" option.
Forms of Remote Education Technologies
Three forms of remote training technologies are used in the learning process: 1. A case-technology based on the use of paper media. These include educational and methodological literature, as well as workbooks controlled by tutors. Students communicate with tutors and meet in person at training centers and consultation offices. 2. TV and satellite technologies. These are used infrequently due to their high cost and difficulties with getting feedback. 3. Online learning. This form of distance learning technologies combines all the technologies listed above and is a current trend in education.
Pros of Remote Training
The present year, 2020, represents the heyday of online learning. A galore of tertiary institutions throughout the world have tried this format of education for the first time, and one of this new trends in education turned out to be no less efficient than the standard one. Now it's time to take a closer look at the pros and cons of remote education. Let's start with the benefits of online learning, especially since there are more of them than downsides:
Distant learning allows you to study anywhere with a stable Internet connection. Besides that, you can study at foreign universities while at home, and this is a substantial saving on living in another country. You listen to lectures in either recordings or online (webinars).
Flexibility means that you make your own schedule because you master most of the program by yourself. This advantage makes it possible to combine studies with work, start the learning session earlier, and finish it later.
Minimization of Time and Money Costs
If you compare the e-learning with the more conventional format of education, the first one is almost always cheaper than the latter. You save the higher institution money for renting premises, paying for electricity, operating equipment, and working with various secondary employees (other than teachers). If you are a distance-learning student, you also do not need to spend money on transportation, thanks to the new educational trends.
Clear Knowledge
While feasting on knowledge in the format of remote training, you won't have any extra disciplines. Only what you actually signed up for.
The most valuable thing in the distant education trends is constant feedback from the tutor. This way, you know what you understood correctly and what you didn't grasp. The teacher is always in touch; he/she will always prompt and guide you in a difficult situation.
Cons of Remote Training
Although they are not as prevalent as the advantages, the shortcomings of distance learning are still there:
Difficulties with Practice
E-learning does not always provide an opportunity to practice the acquired knowledge. That goes for the specializations such as surgery, piloting, etc. However, this feature may become available online in the future.
Lack of Personal Contact
Live communication in the learning process is vital. That includes interaction with teachers and fellow students in an informal setting.
Lack of Control
Even A+ students sometimes need supervision to understand their level of assimilation of knowledge and skills. And it is hard to oversee their progress in such a format of education as remote learning.
Lack of Forms of Knowledge Expression
In distant education, online testing or written tasks are conducted in the overwhelming majority of cases. Oral responses are not so common yet.
Weak Student Identification
During online classes and remote training, it isn't easy to monitor the completion of tasks, tests, and exams.
No matter how many advantages and disadvantages distance education has, the only thing you should sort out is your determination and desire to gain knowledge. A hard-working student will earn their degree both by studying online and by attending lectures at the university.

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