Best Apps for Writers | Top Applications Students Should Consider
Do you consider yourself a good writer? Your answer to this question does not matter because students have to write quality papers no matter what. Professors issue academic projects and have requirements to be met, whether students like the process or not. With high standards set, most students don’t know how to create exceptional papers.
Technological applications have come to the rescue of students tasked with academic writing. From research, writing, formatting, and editing, there are apps to support all stages of assignment creation. This article explores apps that can make writing simpler and more effective.
• Top Dictation Apps
There was a time when speech to text software used to be only for desktops. However, recent innovations in the capabilities of smartphones have made transcription easy and accessible. There are currently many applications that can help slow writers or those who have had hectic time to create text without having to type. One amazing transcription app for students is Dragon Dictation, which allows users to dictate texts and emails and copy-paste content. Thanks to this application, students can always work on their assignments, even when on the move. Dictation apps save students much time as they can work on their tasks at any time from anywhere.
• Apps for Referencing and Bibliography
Academic papers should be situated in the context of relevant literature. Your instructor will expect you to use credible evidence and examples to support arguments. At the same time, you will have to cite all the sources used in writing your paper. For most students, referencing and citation are headaches that should be avoided at all costs, although this is not always possible. Given the numerous referencing styles that are always changing in terms of requirements, citing sources can be really challenging. The good news is that many apps help with the generation of citations and entries for reference lists. There are apps like EasyBib and Harvard generator that allow students to create citations instantly. The applications allow students to scan barcodes of books and gather precise information regarding their sources.
• Apps for Spellcheck and Grammar
Effective academic writing requires students to be concise in their use of words. Also, the proper use of grammar and syntax is critical for writing exceptional papers. By using grammar applications, students can improve the quality of coherence of their writing before submission. It is ideal when you are not sure about your spellings and writings. Please note that many websites and applications can help with grammar and spellcheck. However, the most popular of these is Grammarly. The tool helps writers to improve the quality of their work, saving users from misspelling, punctuation errors, and grammar mistakes. The app comes with an automated online proofreader that detects mistakes as a person writes, identifying improper word choice and style errors. An added advantage of using Grammarly is that it also detects plagiarism. It achieves this objective by comparing your text with millions of articles and web content across the internet. Also, the app can be used on smartphones and desktops. There is a free version of the application that can be ideal for students and writers working with a limited budget. If necessary, you could hire a professional writer online by sending a request saying, — write my essay.
• Dictionary Applications
When writing an academic paper, you are bound to come across complex words that you do not understand their meanings. To create quality papers, you need to understand what the words that you use mean fully. If you want to write quality essays and term papers, you should make vocabulary one of your strong suits. There are many dictionary apps that students can use to improve their understanding of words and concepts before using them in papers. With apps like HowJSay, you can even learn how to pronounce words and improve your vocabulary.
• Plagiarism Checking Apps
Academic writing requires original content. All the sources you use should be carefully cited, and you should avoid duplicating materials from the internet. These days, all colleges check assignments for plagiarism, and offenders are often punished. You risk getting a reduced grade, or may even be suspended from the program. Given the hefty price tag that often comes with plagiarism, it is always good to be on the safe side. This means checking your work for similarity before submitting it to your institution. There are various plagiarism checkers, including Copyscape, Grammarly, and Turnitin, which students can use to check their writing. This way, you can ensure the authenticity of your content and improve your paraphrasing. The apps highlighted here can help students improve their writing skills and score highly in their projects. Remember, effective academic papers require practice and patience. Don’t hesitate to seek help whenever necessary.

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