The Ant and The Grasshopper Story for Kids
Once upon a time, an ant and a grasshopper lived in a lush green meadow. The ant was hardworking and spent all summer gathering food and storing it away for the winter. On the other hand, the grasshopper spent all summer long singing and dancing, not bothering to gather any food.
The ant realized that winter was approaching and that he needed to get ready as the fall days became shorter and the temperature dropped. He put forth a lot of effort to acquire as much food as he could. Despite it being winter, the grasshopper continued to sing and dance.
The ant was warm and comfortable in his lovely underground house, fascinated by all the food he had accumulated, when the very first snow of the winter arrived. The grasshopper lacked food and shelter and was starving and chilly.
He went to the ant and begged for some food. "Please, Ant, I didn't prepare for the winter like you. Can you spare some of your food?"
The ant thought for a moment and said, "I'm sorry, Grasshopper, but I worked hard all summer to gather this food. I can't just give it away to someone who didn't take the time to prepare."
The grasshopper realized his mistake and promised never to be so lazy and unprepared again. From that day on, he spent his summers gathering food and preparing for the winter. He always remembered the valuable lesson the ant had taught him.
Moral of the Story
The story’s moral is that it is important to plan and be prepared for the future. While it may be tempting to live in the moment and enjoy the present, it is important to consider what the future may bring and take steps to ensure that we are ready for it.