Easy And Engaging STEM Activities For Kindergarten
Stem activities for kindergarten kids are dominating the education world right now, for a positive reason. Together Science, Technology, Engineering and Math evolved in an activity makes it STEM. Kids don’t always enjoy learning things theoretically as it is but in fact they prefer doing practical sessions. Stem activities for kids need to be included initially because adapting technology from the start is incredibly important. STEM is important because it suffuses through every part our lives. It teaches how concepts are related to real life. Children get bored very often for example if you start elaborating physics behind anything they are least interested to the theory. You can often try doing so and then try it other way i.e practically.
Kid’s are curious about everything and that’s the reason why they are always asking so many questions. If you have little kindergartners or a preschooler at your home you must be listening to what is that? Why is it this way? and questions like these most of the time. However teachers are not the only one who burden to involve STEM education into a child’s life, parents also play an immense role in doing so and stem projects for kindergarten is the best way to make him learn at school and home in different ways. Pursuing STEM for kindergarten activities at home needs to be promoted along with the benefits they hold. We have compiled for you some amazing ideas for kindergarten stem activities which you can start-off from today. You don’t have to worry about looking for appropriate STEM activities for your preschooler any more.
1) Ice Melt-Magic:
Signify the changing of a state by melting an ice using salt. Place a bowl of water in freezer and keep it the freezer overnight. You can also add a few drops of any food color but it’s not mandatory. Remove the ice and put it on a tray. Sprinkle water over it and show the magic to children.
2) Experiment Chromatography-Coffee filter:
One of the most amazing stem lessons for kindergarten. Children will get amazed to see how many colors combine to create a marker. Draw a line using the magic marker at the center of the filter paper. Fill a jar with water and fold the coffee filter to make the shape of a cone. The water should be shallow, dip the coffee filter in the water and make sure it is dipped below the line. Kids will be amazed to see different colors spreading up on it. Have a discussion with them over molecules and chromatography.
3) Baking Soda science:
This one is the most fun and children will get excited seeing this. Fill the base of a foil tray using baking soda. On the other hand, using an ice tray fill each compartment with vinegar and add a drop of different food colors in each for the activity to become more fun. Using a dropper add it slowly to the baking soda and see the magic.

Kindergarten Learning App for Kids
4) Experiment raining from cloud using a jar:
The most favorite part of nature that children adore is rain. We often hear them say where does this water comes from? What are clouds? This experiment will clear all of their doubts. Take a jar and fill the upper quarter section of it using a shaving cream (make sure to leave the empty space below). Put aside a jar of water with added food color to make the activity more interesting. Now ask the children to slowly add the water through droplet. As more and more water is squirted to the shaving cream, it will get heavier and eventually the water droplets would fall. Continue this till the shaving cream starts getting deflate and melt. Tell them about the whole process and how rain is formed.
5) Walking rainbow with water:
Children will love this stem for kindergarten activity. You need seven plastic cups and fill ¾ of 1st, 3rd, 5th and 7th cup with water. Add few drops of red color to the 1st and 7th one, yellow to the 3rd and blue to the 5th one. Add equal drops of color to each cup. Take a sheet of paper towel and fold it in the half length and place its one end in the first cup and the next end in the 2nd. Take another one and repeat the process for 2nd and 3rd cup. Continue doing this till the 7th cup. Now just wait and start observing what happens to it. You’ll see water move along the paper towel to the next cup and two color will mix in the empty cup. Discuss with them about molecules and basics of what they are. Teachers should carry out such stem lesson plans for kindergarten to expand their knowledge and learn more about science activities.
6) Float or Sink activity:
Fill a tub with water and ask children grab different objects from around the house or classroom. Now make them sit around the tub and one by one put an object on it. They’ll be amazed to see some of them float and the others to sink. Tell them why this happens and ask their views over it.
7) Recycle trash to grow celery:
Did you know you can grow celery instead of throwing it as a waste. Place it in a jar filled with water and soak the celery in water and let it sit for about a week. You’ll observe new celery grow in just a week. Make children transfer it in a pot filled with soil and explain to them the whole process of how a plant grows and what the essentials are that it requires.
8) Animal sorting:
Jumble all animal toys at one place and with the help of a chart classify into column such as spotted animals, animals with lines on their skin or classify using columns. Now ask children to place each one where he thinks it belongs to. Let them discuss about each if it’s a classroom or talk about it with him if it’s at home. He should know basic facts about different animals.
9) Making Polymer:
This one comes under easy stem activities for kids, since children love getting something new out of things and this activity is all about it. All they’ll need is baking soda, lens solution, water and glue and mix them altogether to form slime.
10) Built blocks using egg cartons:
Eggs cartons can be used to initiate an idea for stem activity. You might have piles of egg cartons at home but never thought of using it. They can be used to carry out stem for kindergarten activity. Carry out an activity to let children built blocks and pyramids out of cartons. They will be amazed to see themselves create blocks and huge pyramids out of those.
These were some interesting stem activities for kindergarten you can carry out with your little kindergartners. Kid’s love exploring stuff, help and get involved with them to explore Science, engineering, and technology. This would not only reinforce his thinking skills but also aid him to think broad. These are age appropriate activities for kindergartners and preschoolers. Early childhood is when you can strengthen basics of a child and stem for kindergarten activities are mainly for this purpose. Whether at home or in school, provide children with materials and let them carry out activities. Don’t immediately answer to their questions but have a discussion and promote an open conversation during and after stem activities for kids.